Marie Clemot
Marie is originally from South of France. She received a Bachelor degree in Cell Biology from the University of Aix-Marseille and a Master and PhD from the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris. For her graduate work at the Curie Institute, she studied how histone chaperones and chromatin assembly regulate germline stem cell function in Drosophila. She then moved to Los Angeles for her postdoc in Leanne Jones’s lab at UCLA, working on metabolic regulation of Drosophila germline stem cells and later in Utpal Banerjee’s lab where she contributed to
multiple projects, including metabolic regulation of mouse pre-implantation development, characterization of a novel mechanism of tumor suppression by Notch signaling in prostate cancer and regulation of cell fate in Drosophila blood progenitors. She joined the Plath lab in September 2024. In her free time, Marie enjoys spending time with her family, exploring LA and California, cooking, doing crafts with her son and watching series and basketball games.